Monday, January 21, 2013


Keep you surrounding hygienic to save your near-one away from the enemy called Malaria ..

Malaria is caused when a female Anopheles mosquito bites a person. This mosquito carries malarial parasites, which then get inside the body of the person and multiplies and spread all over the body. This disease generally happens to those who stay in unhealthy surroundings and that too mainly to those who have weaker immune system. High fever, chills, headache and shivering are the common symptoms of malaria. There are some very effective home remedies for malaria.

Easy & Simplest Home Remedy :Alum is also effective in the treatment of malaria. Roast alum and powder it. Taking one teaspoon of this powder will help in reducing the fever and thus cure you fast

1 comment:

  1. I once got a similar retiacon when I published a paper. Huge KABLOOEY. But . I was limited to 25 references and I had cited excellent reviews that cited all the relevant original papers including ALL of the body of work by this particular person. Some of those reviews were even written by this person. I concluded that this author clearly had a big ego and was not rational. When people don't cite me correctly or miss my work, I rant to myself, but I don't write the people involved.
